
Segona edició de la JBCNConf

Barcelona celebra la segona JBCNConf

La JBCNConf és una conferència sobre Java, la JVM i les tecnologies relacionades, així com altres tecnologies open source, que arriba per segona vegada a Barcelona del 16 al 18 de juny, amb encara més temes interessants, tallers i oportunitats de networking que a la primera edició. Aquest any estarem a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra amb prop de 60 ponents confirmatsi també estenem el nostre programa mig dia més, en el que podrem gaudir d’interessants tallers pràctics.


The first big Java and JVM conference in Spain

2 full days to share knowledge and experiences, to meet enthusiasts and geeks, and to learn about new technologies (schedule pending).

Barcelona will host this great event next 26th and 27th of June 2015.

The Barcelona JUG is proud of holding this conference in our great city.

As you probably know, Barcelona is one of the best cities in the world to work in, with an interesting start-up ecosystem and a lot of communities related with software. Besides, Barcelona is a beautiful city with plenty of places to visit and some of the best urban beaches in the world!

The first big Java and JVM conference in Spain

2 full days to share knowledge and experiences, to meet enthusiasts and geeks, and to learn about new technologies (schedule pending).

Barcelona will host this great event next 26th and 27th of June 2015.

The Barcelona JUG is proud of holding this conference in our great city.

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