For 2015 APWG will combine it's Spring and Fall meetings into one four day event that will bridge the gaps between cybersecurity operations, research and consumer messaging. eCrime 2015 will look at the operational challenges and development of common resources and best practices for first responders and forensic professionals. In addition, it will dive into current research projects and future areas of interest for cyber-crime investigation, forensic techniques and infrastructure defense.
Operational and research insights for fighting electronic crime will be complimented and augmented with discussions on citizen enlightenment and awareness programs to help ensure a secure computing environment. This year's meeting will bring a focus on the shifting nature of cybercrime and the inherent challenges of managing that dynamic threatscape.
APWG is using this opportunity of a combined eCrime 2015 to bring our rotation of global meetintgs to Europe and collaborate fully with the recently founded APWG Euriopean Union Foundation (APWG.EU). This new scientific research foundation was created to focus resources on consumer awareness and research projects and development of other cybercrime-fighting resources within the Europrean Union.
With eCrime 2015 we will review the development of response paradigms and resources for counter-cybercrime managers and forensic professionals in the private and public sectors. Presenters will review case studies of national and regional economies under attack, narratives of successful trans-national forensic cooperation, while considering models for cooperation against ecrime and examining resources for cybercrime response and forensic enterprise.
This program will be held, on May 26 - 29 in Barcelona, Spain. We will be hosted at the CaixaForum Barcelona art museum just off the famous Plaza de España. One of the most important squares in the city, Plaza de Espanña is at the center of several major streest and is a center for shopping, tourist attractions, restaurants and hotels.
Please contact Deputy-Secretary Foy Shiver for details via email at