Java 8 Lambdas and Devices

Next 14th of April, we will have the pleasure to host a talk named "Java 8 Lambdas and Devices" presented by a Java Champion and great speaker: Stephen Chin. For all of you who do not know who is Stephen, let's add few lines of his experience: he is a Java Ambassador at Oracle specializing in embedded and UI technology, co-author of the Pro JavaFX Platform 2 title, and the JavaOne Content Chair. He has been featured at Java conferences around the world including Devoxx, JFokus, OSCON, JFall, GeeCON, JustJava, and JavaOne, where he thrice received a Rock Star Award. Stephen can be followed on twitter @steveonjava, reached via his blog:, and his hacking adventures can be seen on:

Stephen is spreading the word about Java 8 in a (crazy?roadtrip around Europe and Asia and he will stop his motorcycle in Barcelona next monday 14th to speak at our JUG. It will be a pleasure for us! And we are sure it will be an interesting talk for all of you guys.

Related with the abstract, Stephen will talk about Java 8 and why is the most impactful update to the Java ecosystem since Java 5, introducing an entirely new programming model with lambda expressions, and a whole new platform of applications with support for ARM embedded devices.  In this presentation, you will learn how to take advantage of the new lambda-enabled Java 8 APIs including enhanced collections, functional interfaces, and simplified event handlers.  Also, you will see live demonstrations of Java 8 technology running on embedded platforms such as Raspberry Pi and Lego Mindstorms EV3, allowing Java-based applications to support the internet-of-things.

This time we will be hosting the event at the Official College of Technical Engineer in Computer Science in Catalonia (COETIC), based in C. Via Laietana, 39 (Auditori Pompeu Fabra, 5na planta) so thank you for their support and allowing us to use their hall!

That's all folks! We invite all of you to come and learn how to build the future of Java with nice demos next monday 14/04! We will start at 18h so grab this day (and hour) in your calendar, and remember to reserve your seat at MeetUp. There are limited spots!

Let's rock with Java 8!


dilluns, 14 abril, 2014 - 18:00 a 20:30

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